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Operational excellence leads to relocation to cope with high
demand for services

New software investment to
refine business processes……






Our clients include companies in both the public and private sectors, in particular government ministries, financial and commercial enterprises. Many of these organisations are prominent shareholding companies. The breadth of our client base has resulted in Al-Alfain developing a wide range of creative services. Al-Alfain has done work for local businesses as well as clients with national exposure in the gulf region. Among our clients are companies like <X>


The company is involved in designing, drafting and printing annual reports for major companies. In addition, Al-Alfain also produces leaflets and documentation for Kuwait stock exchange listings. We are the leader in the field of production of marketing and promotional literature. Al-Alfain also prints and designs information leaflets, magazines, books, calendars, and assorted types of stationery. In addition we also undertake specialised security printing as we are the only licensed security printer in Kuwait.

Al-Alfain continues to build on the quality service which we provide to further enhance what we can offer our clients. Utilising our wide experience, we provide effective solutions to our clients marketing and creative needs. By identifying and targeting areas that would benefit from an innovative and new perspective, we work with our clients to maximise their potential.



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